Contribute to Our Visionary Work
Over the years the supports of Visionary Donors & friends, known and unknown, has allowed us to work towards our vision of preventing blindness and provide access to affordable eye care services to the marginalized communities. Every act of generosity gives us a boost in meeting our goals, and wins us a friend.
Become a Vision ambassador for Sahu Eye Hospital, by helping us in our mission with a sponsorship.
Make Birthdays/Anniversaries Memorable by:
- Sponsor an adult cataract surgery with IOL implant @ Rs. 3500/-
- Sponsor a Pediatric cataract surgery with IOL implant under general anesthesia @ Rs. 15,000/-
- Sponsor a cornea transplant surgery @ Rs. 30,000/-
- Sponsor a Vitrectomy surgery @ Rs.30,000/-
- Donating INR 5,000 for conducting Special Awareness eye check-up camp for Diabetic eye camp /Glaucoma screening camp
- Donating any amount towards corpus of the organization to sustain its operations
Outreach Project Coordinator
To make a donation please contact us by phone or by email, or by dropping at our Base Hospital in Mumbai.
A member of our team will guide you on a mutually convenient mode of making your donation and other specifics.
Sahu Eye Hospital, 1stFloor, Almar Arcade, Orlem Market, Orelm, Marve Road, Malad(w),Mumbai-400064
+91 93261 44874 | 91 3617 4682
Kamal Welfare Trust (Social wing of Sahu Eye Hospital) is a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950 having Registration No. E-17664 (Mumbai). All donations to the Trust are exempted under Section 80G.

How You Can Help?
– CSR at Sahu Eye Hospital
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable eye care services to the marginalized communities.
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable eye care services to the marginalized communities.
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable eye care services to the marginalized communities.
To prevent blindness and provide access to affordable eye care services to the marginalized communities.